Here’s how: How to test an issue in another user account on your Mac - Apple Support. If the issue remains, I will have you test a new user account next, to isolate if this is a user-specific issue, or a system-wide issue. Test for the same behavior again, as sometimes booting into safe mode can resolve some issues. Once tested, note the results and restart your Mac to boot back into your normal user.
Once in safe mode, check to see if the same behavior continues when opening these multiple applications: Use safe mode to isolate issues with your Mac - Apple Support. Safe mode can take several more minutes to boot into, just to give you a heads up this is expected. It’s a way to start up your Mac so it performs certain checks and prevents some software from automatically loading. I'd like to have you boot up into safe mode.
Can you confirm if you've verified all the affected apps are up to date in the Mac App Store under Updates? If so, continue to the next steps. It sounds like you've taken some steps on your own. Thank you for using the Apple Support Communities! It's my understanding that you are now seeing 'Verifying Files' when opening several installed applications since updating to macOS Catalina.